Spa Capsule, and only the Spa Capsule please.
You need to detox your insides and protect and moisturise your outsides?
We understand. And, we can help. And here we will keep it simple for you, although you should certainly keep an open mind to our future up-coming services.
Dry skin and the need for detox is usually something that requires maintenance. Just like spray-tanning, if you schedule things well you can get an amazing value using Fast-Track Packages. Given your lack of interest in tanning/spray-tanning, performing a 40 minute detox on the 1st, 7th, and 14th day of your 2 week provides an unbeatable value, lowering your Single Session Price to HKD233ea. If you think you can only make it in on weekends, this would mean a Sunday, the following Saturday/Sunday, and the following Saturday after that.
If on the other hand, you would like to use this for the rare, (ok, we believe you), period of gluttony, then the larger packages offer better values, and can be shared and transferred amongst friends, and have no expiry dates.
These dollar packages are intended for use within the beauty place for facials, massage and waxing, however the same discounts can be applied to purchase Classic Packages or Single Treatments. They can be used towards Fast-Track Packages, however the discounts do not apply.
Time | Point Charge | Price |
20 Mins | 2.50 | $258 |
25 Mins | 3.00 | $318 |
30 Mins | 3.50 | $388 |
40 Mins | 4.50 | $498 |
Applies: Specific treatments only
Valid: Until consumed
Sharing: Not allowed
Transfers: Allowed
Refundable: Within 14 days, if never consumed
Points | Price | $/Point |
1 | $150 | $150 |
4 | $498 | $124.5 |
8 | $948 | $119 |
16 | $1,538 | $96 |
24 | $2,198 | $92 |
40 | $3,498 | $87 |
Applies: Tanning / Spray Tanning / InfraRed Sauna Anti-Aging SpaCapsule
Valid: No expiry, until completed
Sharing: Allowed
Transfers: Allowed
Refundable: Within 14 days, pro-rated based on usage
Valid | Min Pts | Max Pts | Price | $/Pt |
1 Day | 0Pts | 3Pts** | $210 | $70 |
2 Weeks | 4Pts | 15Pts* | $700 | $46.7 |
4 Weeks | 8Pts | 30Pts* | $1,300 | $43.3 |
6 Weeks | 12Pts | 45Pts* | $1,900 | $42.2 |
8 Weeks | 16Pts | 60Pts* | $2,500 | $41.7 |
Applies: Tanning / Spray Tanning / InfraRed Sauna Anti-Aging SpaCapsule
Valid: Valid only for time period listed
Min Pts: Minimum Guaranteed Pts if not consumed
Max Pts: Maximum Pts allowed within term. Top up available
Sharing: Not allowed
Transfers: Not allowed
Refundable: Not allowed
**One Day can only be used for Tanning. Points in excess of 3 are charged at $68/pt
*Points in excess of included maximum are charged at $38/pt
Package | Deposit | Srv/Pkg Disc | Prod Disc |
Silver | $3,000 | 10% | 5% |
Gold | $6,000 | 15% | 10% |
Diamond | $8,000 | 20% | 15% |
Diamond+ | $13,000 | 25% | 20% |
Applies: Single Treatments / Classic Packages / Products
Valid: No expiry, until completed
Sharing: Allowed
Transfers: Allowed
Refundable: Within 14 days, pro-rated based on usage
In case some of the terms used above require further explanation.
Applies: - Can be used towards...
Valid: - Length of time before expiry
Sharing: - Can this package be shared amongst a group
Transfers: - Can points/money be transfered to others
Refundable: - Refund to cash/credit within period
Point Charge - Points charged if paid for by package
$/Point - Average price per point
Min $/Pt - Price per point if pkg fully consumed within term